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Midway is East: The Story Behind the Film and the Real-Life Heroes


We refer the reader to Clinton et al. (2018) for a more detailed discussion on internal seismic activity, Daubar et al. (2018) for impacts and summarize below the key points in term of targeted quake and impacts. Mars is expected to be seismically more active than the Moon, but less active than the Earth, based on the relative geologic histories of the terrestrial planets (Solomon et al. 1991; Oberst 1987; Goins et al. 1981). The total seismic moment release per year is \(\sim 10^21\mbox--10^23\mboxN\,\mboxm/\mboxyr\) on the Earth (Pacheco and Sykes 1992) and \(\sim 10^15\mboxN\,\mboxm/\mboxyr\) on the Moon (Goins et al. 1981). This would suggest a total moment release on Mars to be midway between the Earth and Moon or somewhere between \(10^17\mboxN\,\mboxm/\mboxyr\) and \(10^19\mboxN\,\mboxm/\mboxyr\) (Phillips 1991; Golombek et al. 1992; Golombek 1994, 2002; Knapmeyer et al. 2006; Plesa et al. 2018). An average seismicity could therefore generate per year 2 quakes of moment larger than \(10^17\mboxN\,\mboxm\), 10 quakes with moment larger than \(10^16\mboxN\,\mboxm\) and 50 quakes with moment larger than \(10^15\mboxN\,\mboxm\). This leads us to design SEIS with a performance compatible for the surface wave detection of a quake with moment larger than \(10^16\mboxN\,\mboxm\) every were on the planet and the detection of high signal to noise body waves of the latter if occurring outside the core shadow zone. Although the landing site was mostly chosen with landing safety and long-term operations considerations. Cerberus Fossae is only \(\sim 1500\mboxkm\) to the east-northeast from the InSight landing site and is one of the youngest tectonic features on Mars. It has been interpreted as a long graben system with cumulative offsets of 500 m or more (Vetterlein and Roberts 2010) and it contains boulder trails young enough to be preserved in eolian sediments (Roberts et al. 2012), indicative of large and perhaps very recent marsquakes large enough, if occurring again, to be recorded by the InSight instruments (Taylor et al. 2013).

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