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Connecting 2 Arduinos by Bluetooth using a HC-05 and a HC-06: The Benefits of Using CMODE


hiI just started searching the way to use the bluetooth module 2 days before. but when i watched your tutorial video, i learnt almost every thing, i wanted to know, just in few minutes.this is great and very easy to learn tutorial boss.i have some questions.if i configure 1 HC-05 as master and other HC-05 as slave on 9600 baud rate, can i use both for simple digital data communication by using both with 2 separate MCUs ?will these both work full duplex mode ? means if master send any data string to slave so can slave also send any data back to master?Thanks to help me in advance

Hello. Your blog has been really helpful in my project. I am working on connecting two micro-controllers using bluetooth. For that I want to light a LED connected to one arduino by giving command to the other one. Is that possible?

Connecting 2 Arduinos by Bluetooth using a HC-05 and a HC-06: Easy Method Using CMODE

I have a bluetooth device which I have forgotten the passcode for, I want to use arduino to find the bluetooth devices pair code using a brute forcing hack method. What this entails is the arduino+HC05 entering a pair code of 0000 and waiting for a successful pair, if no successful pair, the arduino+HC05 will try 0001 and 0002 and so on until it successfully pairs.

same problem from my side ,the only difference is that i hav been working to communicate two computers by using two arduinos and two bluetooth modules.inorder to connect multiple BT modules at a time why cant u use multiplexers or deultiplexers. 2ff7e9595c

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